Custom and cool instruments from alternative artists
Folk Art Gallery
© Frank Ford, 1999; Photos by FF
Two Dog Fiddle
Check out this peghead:

Two dogs chained to a post and tuning pegs in the shape of little
barrels with bung handles -- what more could you ask for?
The entire instrument was homemade around 80 years ago from the same wood -- neck,
back, top, sides. It looks like oak, hickory, chestnut or ash.
Sometimes we encounter a piece of "folk art" from generations past, and
we're impressed by the spontaneity and style. How about some current art:

The young creator of this masterpiece was stunned when I asked if I could take a
picture of it! He'd brought it in for some action work and just assumed we'd be pretty
hard on him for "violating" his guitar. You gotta love it!
Banjo Ukes
If there's one classic 20th Century musical instrument folk art canvas it has to
be the banjo uke. They were monumentally popular in the 1920s and were subjected
to all kinds of cool defacement.
This one was signed by a whole lot of friends around that time:

There's a pipe smokin' truckin' fellow:

We all want to meet Flathead Stoddard!

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