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Case Repair
Modifying the Neck Support
© Frank Ford, 4/17/02; Photos by FF

It's a Melobar, and it just doesn't seem to fit into any stock case!
The neck support holds it really high, although the body fits pretty well into this case originally designed for a Gibson Les Paul or some such. . .
Simple stuff - just unscrew the parts that are screwed in.
Pry off the bits that are stapled,
and whack loose the ones that are glued.
Pretty rough and tumble work, but it's fun to hit things with a hammer after having to be so careful around sensitive instrument repairs.
Here, I'm simply shortening the case pocket support block.
And regluing it in place, tucking and tacking the case lining around it.
Same thing with the neck support, which came out with the fabric intact.
Now, with those parts all back in place, the case looks pretty good, almost as though it hadn't been beaten up.
And the instrument fits right in.
No big deal. It's quick and easy to modify cases.

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