For some reason, I don't have a good "before" picture for this
article, so I'll use this one. The tuner hole on the left is the typical
3/8" hole needed to mount the Grover Rotomatic tuners. It's way too
big to remount the original tuner and bushing. |
Here's another guitar, showing the outline of the original Kluson open
back, peeking out from behind a Waverly reproduction Grover G-98. The 1940
D-18 in question had both this scar and the big hole illustrated above. |
At least it wasn't messed up like this one, with its extra off center
screw holes. |
I decided my first job was to fill the holes so I could redrill them properly
for the smaller shafts and bushings of the old gears I would be mounting.
In fact, the current owner of this guitar took off the second set of vintage
open back tuners that had been mounted on the guitar when he bought it 25years
ago. He kept them, but drilled out the peghead and installed the Grover
Rotomatics, which were mightily popular in those days. Now, don't chide
him. It was definitely the thing to do at the time.When he wanted to go
"back to the future" (that is the second set of gears) he had
them handy. |
I used this machinist's taper pin reamer from the back side (see above
photo, too) to make the holes uniform and round without enlarging them at
the surface of the peghead. The holes had not been so neatly drilled, and
they appeared to be slightly different diameters, too. |
I have a matching plug cutter I made with the same taper as the reamer,
and I used it to plunge into some thick mahogany and turn out some pins
to fit the holes I'd reamed. |
The plug has the same grain orientation as the peghead. I didn't think
a straight dowel would hold the bushing as well as the end grain exposed
on this kind of plug once I drilled it to fit. |
Sticking the plugs in the holes, I could see that they fit at different
heights, reflecting the different diameters of the redrilled holes. |
I marked the lengths and cut them fairly close so I wouldn't have too
much to trim off later. |
A quick pencil line gave me a reminder of grain orientation. |
Because these holes AND the plugs presented a substantial amount of end
grain, I chose to use epoxy, which holds very well in that application.
It forms a matrix in the pores of the wood and has terrific cohesive strength. |
The plugs tapped neatly and tightly in place, lubricated by the epoxy. |
After trimming with a chisel, I drilled the holes, and gave the top edge
the slightest little bevel to avoid chipping when the bushings went in. |
Here's a closeup of the result. |
And, here's a shot of the back surface, showing the scars from all three
sets of tuners. The pointy scar is from the original, the big circular one
is from the Rotomatics, and, if you look really closely, you can see the
little rounded tab scar at the top center, made by the second set of tuners. |
The original finish was in good shape everywhere, so I chose to add just
a tiny bit of stain to the margin of the new wood that showed at the top.
I didn't want it to shine through at the edges of the original bushings. |
The result was quite nice. |
From the back side, the second set of tuners pretty much covers the scars
underneath. |
The second set of tuners looks good, and even though the bushings are
quite small, you don't notice any modification of the peghead veneer. Fortunately,
even the Rotomatic washers made very little impression in the surface. |