Fret Tools
Jack Plane Body
© Frank Ford, 8/28/98; Photos by FF, 8/28/98
Most woodworkers agree that Stanley wrote the book on steel planes.
I've gotten far more mileage from my Stanley #5 jack plane as a sanding block than
I have as a plane!
The plane at the top of this picture is a Stanley Bedrock #605 jack plane. It's considered
by many enthusiasts to be the finest steel plane ever made:
I'd NEVER cannibalize that one! The lower tool is my sanding block: just the body
of a more common Stanley #5, the one you'll generally find at garage sales.
By creasing a sheet of sandpaper and simply holding it at the edges, I have the world's
best sanding block:
It's hard, flat, stable and relentless. I've used this very one for over 25 years
now, and can't think of a handier tool!
is the only leveling block I use on fingerboards.
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