FRETS.COM Field Trip

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A photo album from the 1998 San Rafael, California
Acoustic Guitar Festival
© Frank Ford, 8/18/98; Photos by FF, 8/15/98

For me, the 1998 Acoustic Guitar Festival in San Rafael was a time to meet and hang with instrument makers from all over the country:

We had four days to view and play some of the finest individually crafted guitars. A few factories of various sizes had instruments on display, too, but it was really a showcase for the independent luthiers.

For some, this week was a time to learn music:

And for lots of others it was a week of evening concert performances.

I made a pest of myself with my Sony handycam, and tried to take pictures of a lot of luthiers and their work. Lighting in the rooms was a bit unpredictable, so about half of my pictures looked more like shadows. So, friends, if your picture isn't here, it's because it just didn't work out.

Mark Blanchard and Kath showed the latest work from their shop in the Sierra foothills:

Head instructor at the Roberto-Venn School of Luthiery in Phoenix, John Reuter shows us his resonator fingerstyle guitar:

Leering just behind him is Chris, also an instructor at R-V.

All the way from Calgary, it's Judy Threet with a splendid shirt and some equally splendid fingerstyle guitars:

You can see Judy's work at Gryphon from time to time.

Jon Lee represented Charles Fox guitars:

C. Fox is a small factory just getting underway in Healdsburg, California.

I think you'll be seeing more of this headstock around fine guitar shops:



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